Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Going Home

I just got to thinking about the bridge in Minnesota that fell during rush hour 2 weeks ago. What if one of us would have been there, or been one of the victims. Life can come so fast at us. Remember there is no tomorrow. Stop for a minute, reflect on your life.

Where are you? I'm not talking about, at home or work. I'm talking about life, Eternal life. My hearts go out to the family's that lost loved ones. What if? is a strong thought, but what if you would have been there? If you were driving home today or later and the world come to a end. People every second of the day deal with this question. Where will we go from here? There is only two places you can go from this earth. To Heaven or Hades(Hell). Stop and ponder this.

My life was a wreck before a became friends with my Savior. As I tell people" I lived one HELL of a life" but that life is dead. I have a new life, a life of happiness. I don't seek the world, I seek the Kingdom. We all have a chance to have a great life, life. For so many, when the gate is closed, it will be to late. So if you was to die NOW, where would you go? Just because when you was 12 you prayed the prayer. That doesn't mean you're in. Jesus says" Keep my commandments." Let me ask you another question, If Jesus was standing beside you right now, Would you acted different? Would you not take that drink, or have sex with that other person besides your spouse? Would you take that item from work? Would you? Would you? Would you? Let me tell you, Jesus is beside you. Everything you do, he is beside you.

Let me talk to those who don't no where. 1st Cry out to Jesus, ask for forgiveness and salvation of your sins, 2nd Go to Church, if you don't have one, find one. Talk to the Pastor about ways to change your lifestyle. They can help you go through a eternal life change. 3rd Talk to God and read his word.

Jesus died for you so you could live, but you can only live if "Keep his commandments."

So what if you were on that bridge? Would you go Home?

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