Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If Christians worked like Ants

Have you ever watched how ants work? The main goal they have is to go out and find food. If they find something really good, they take it straight to the queen. They can work together as a team or solo. It doesn’t matter how hard the job is or how dangerous it is they still go out to gather.

If Christians went out every day with other Christians or alone to share the gospel without fear just imagine what we could do.

You can smash the ants, more will come. You can spray, and still they keep coming. Have you ever thought to yourself I've got an ant problem? I have. What if the world said we have a Christian problem they won't back down. I can’t wait till I turn on the T.V. to find the news saying 'It looks like the Christians have done it again.' If we go out into the world like the ant we can spread the gospel everywhere.

When an ant finds something good they take it to their queen, from now on when you find something good take it to the KING. Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise. Do you want to be the ant or the sluggard?


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