Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hot Chicken for Jesus


Revelation 2:3-4 (NLT)
3 You have patiently suffered for me without quitting. 4 But I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first!
Matthew 24:10-13
10 And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. 11 And many false prophets will appear and will lead many people astray. 12 Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. 13 But those who endure to the end will be saved.

Some people are like hot chicken for Jesus. They are on fire for a while, then they cool off. They still eat chicken but just not the hot stuff. It’s the same way with Jesus. You get in heavy at first, devoting your life completely, but then you fall away. You still go to church, listen to Christian music, go to church activities, and hang out with Christian friends, but you have lost your fire. Some people will be led astray by sin. Others will lose the fire. Some stop going to church, and others will lose their faith. Some are Sunday morning Christians. Others only like to eat hot chicken every month or so. Some eat it only once or twice a year. Some people go to church every time the doors are open, they just don’t live for Jesus. We need to help them get the fire back.

Their are 4 types of chicken eaters. (1st-Extra hot) First, there is the every day eater, the one who just doesn’t want the fire to go out. They feed it daily to get the most they can get. They tell every one they know about the hot chicken, and how to get some. They can’t get enough of it. This is our goal as Christians to be the best that we can. To stay on fire for Jesus. To live our lives daily with JESUS at the top of our list. If you put Him first then you will always have the fire. They’re lots of water fountains in the world just waiting to cool you down. You just need to make your friendship with Jesus stronger where no fountain can cool you down.

The (2nd Hot)second type is the weekly eater. They like the the heat but it does burn a little so they don’t eat as much. They still let people know about it but not as much as extra hot people do. They slip up and take the world’s water in to help with the pain. Then they see what they are doing and eat more. Alot of people are like this. They do good at the first of the week then the fire starts to go out. They think they can have just a small drink of water. Some times they may even take a drink, but for the most part they let the fire burn. There are alot of Christians who are weekly eaters, with prayer and spending time with Jesus, Putting hot sauce on your chicken will get the fire going again.

(3rd Medium) The third type is monthly eaters. They’re just sitting around watching television, listening to the radio, etc. and something makes them want some chicken. Then they go and get it. They really like it, but it hurts a lot so they let some of it go to waste. They only talk about it when someone else brings it up. They like it enough to go get it. They think that if they eat the hot chicken it will hurt to much. They think people will make fun of them when they cry when the eat it. They know that they should eat it daily. Some of there friends may be telling them not to eat it. In their hearts they know what is right. They just need some help. They are so close to eating more or less. We just need to pray that they eat more. Let them know the more you eat the better it will taste.

(4th Mild) Finally there is the yearly eater. They only eat it so others can see them do it. They really don’t even want to eat it but they feel they should. If someone asks if they like hot chicken and where do they go to get it they will say their home church. Most of the regulars don’t even know them. Or they use to go there years ago but now just on Easter, Mothers day,etc. They have decided the world is were their heart is. Sin has most likely over run their life. Even if they eat chicken once a year, they’re not to crazy about it. Maybe someone asks them to go, or they just went on their own. If they are not living their life for Jesus they need help. Every one needs prayer but this person needs as much as we can give them. They are pretty much lost to the world. We need to encorage them to come to church. Tell them how wonderful it is to know Jeus as your friend. A friend who is always there to listen to you.

God wants you to always be on fire and never lose it. Keep the fire burning at all times, where no bread or milk will cool it down. (ask Artie, he knows about hot chicken). Even though its hot now it will cool down if you let it. So if you know your love for chicken is fading, eat more chicken. God will take away the pain of the world’s chicken.

The devil will work on you if you let him. Don’t let the devil be your bread. Make him your napkin, wipe all the bad and yucky stuff on it and throw it away. The devil can only cool you down if you let him. Don’t let the fire go out, if our fire goes out for Jesus just eat another piece and that will get it going. Stop and turn back towards the light. Give all of you to Jesus all the time. God loves us always but if you give it all to Him he will take your pain away. Keep the Passion burning for Him, not for a while like hot chicken, but always. Do as the advertisement for Chick filet says “EAT MORE CHICKEN”

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