Monday, June 4, 2007

Who's in my Seat

Who’s in my Seat

Have you ever noticed that when you go to a ball game, concert, etc., you wonder if someone has your seat or who will sit beside you. Or, when you're at the movies if that one guy's phone is going to keep ringing - or the one couple that talks all the way through is going to be behind you. You always want to sit in the back where you can see it all. It’s like you have the best seats in the house, Luxury, Comfort. When the theater was first introduced the worst seats, the poor, commoners, were in the back.

I think I figured it out. If you sit in the back, you can get up when you want to go potty, and best of all leave out first. It’s like a race to see who can get out first. I see this in the Church now. We all sit as far back as we can. Is it to get out first? Is your heart that hard that you can’t sit there for 30 minutes? 1 hour? Or is it so that you get up ever 30 minutes. When the first Churches were started, people would STAND ALL DAY just to hear the Gospel. What's wrong with this picture? IT’S THE SAME GOSPEL. We have just gotten to comfortable in this day & time. We don’t know what real worship is. Do we even need our Bible anymore? Most would say 'No, they project it on the screens.' Why? How have we gotten this way? Why? God is just as powerful now as he has always been. When I’m in the main service( I teach God’s wonderful word to the Children) I like to sit up at the front. Why? I don’t want to miss anything.

When you go to the movies, you will get there 25 minutes early. Why? To get a good seat, but yet we come to Church 25 minutes late and settle for whatever is left which is usually up front. This bothers me, as you can tell if your still reading this. If you ask someone as they are walking in the door of the Church why they are here, the answer you will get is to hear the Word of God. We come once a week to a nice A/C building with nice seats and toilet paper- don’t laugh. Do you think the people of Corinth cared about this? Well, I guess there probably was not a such thing as this. They came for one thing, to hear the WORD. They would wiggle their way to the front just to make sure they could hear.

The church today is this beautiful building with A/C, comfortable chairs, coffee machines, child care services, bookstores, and all kinds of things. WRONG! The Church is YOU! The building is useless with out the body. Let’s get back to that old time religion, not of our grandparents but of Paul, Peter, Silas, Philip, and Barnabas, when the important thing was Christ.

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