Thursday, May 17, 2007

Follow and Flow

I'm a bondservant4christ and an Armor Bearer for man, a Godly man. I am faithful to my Savior Jesus Christ the all mighty and loyal to my Pastor (Shane). The word says Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ Ephesians 6:5 (NKJV). In the book God's Armor Bearer Vol 1 by Terry Nance he said "I learned a secret which has helped to flow in harmony with my Pastor. I determined that if the end result of my pastor's plan is to build and extend the Kingdom of God and win souls for Jesus, then I am willing to flow with the plan. Our goal is the same, our methods different. But what does it really matter whose methods are used, as long as the goal is reached?" STOP and think about that for a minute, pray about it.

That is what God has called me to do. Have you ever wondered why there are so many denominations in the Church? Maybe it is because the Armor Bearer chose to lead instead of follow. I have a denomination/ doctrine also, it is Jesus Christ,NO OTHER. But that's another subject we'll cover later. I choose to follow, but flow also. Have you ever watched the water go down the river after a storm? If the water hits a log it goes around it, if it hits a rock it goes over it, As a Christian, Bondservant, Armor Bearer that is what I will do. Even if it's not the path you would have chosen doesn't mean it want work. I will follow and flow. What would the world be like if Christians would follow and flow?


1 comment:

Pastor Shane Ogle said...

What can I say? I cannot comment on that. What a blessing to be your pastor. Thanks.