Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers

I remember when I was a child and you wanted to be blood brothers with you best friends. You would wait for that perfect time when you wrecked your bike or got hurt and you would try to rub scabs together to be blood brothers. Or you might have been brave enough to stick or cut yourselves and rub the blood together. This sounds very unsafe and a little gross, but this happened all the time. People at one time was not scared of the blood of someone else. Now Satan has made all these viruses such as HIV and others that makes people scared. See the one thing that can save your life is the blood, your blood is the most important thing in your body, But Satan makes people scared of it. That is his way of confusing us into think The Blood is bad. Without The Blood you will DIE. Christ gave his blood for us, we are his blood brothers. He poured out his blood so we could have life, Pure life, eternal life, abundant life.

Ephesians 1:7 says, In whom we have redemption through his BLOOD, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of grace.(NKJV)

Through his Blood, his Blood. You can have the glory of his kingdom, but only through the Blood. The devil hates when you talk about the Blood of Christ, because he can try to destroy the thought of the Blood but he can't destroy it. The Blood is more powerful then anything. That why he is trying to destroy the way we look at blood. By Disease.

Disease in the webster's student dictionary 2002 edition

Disease- Any disturbed or abnormal condition in the living organism. A specific ailment or illness.

See if Satan makes you think of diseases when you think of blood, it might make your thought of The blood of Christ change. Satan know he will lose the battle and will be cast into the lake of fire, it tells us in revelations 20:10. I love that verse, because you can just remind him and it will tick the devil off, but who cares.

In the book Via Triumphalis by Brian Zahnd he says " Revelation twenty ten. You don't even have to quote it- the devil knows what it says. It will ruin his day. I like to say, " the devil can't win because of Revelation 20:10!"

Talk about a come back when he does something to you. This country needs to go back to times when we were not scared of the blood of each other an The Blood of Christ. When Christ poured out his blood he was thinking of you. It was pure. He died for us so we could live, that blood runs through our veins. As the song goes there is pow'r, pow'r wonder working pow'r in the Blood of the lamb. That power is to heal, and give you eternal life. You don't have to go to the doctor, or Walgreens. It's simple ask and you shall receive. Christ is waiting for you, there is nothing more precious then the Blood of Christ. Don't be afraid because it will change your life.


1 comment:

Pastor Shane Ogle said...

Good blog Philip -- you're becoming a regular thelogian!

God bless!

Pastor Shane