Monday, July 30, 2007

The perfect garden

A Perfect Garden

One day as I was walking, I started thinking about my life. I started day dreaming , I saw a Small narrow gate down a rough path. As I got closer I saw a arch of flowers over the gate. I opened the gate and walked into this Garden , the Son was shinning down with this orange glow on all the beautiful flowers. You could smell the amazing scent of the most freshest roses. As I got closer to them, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The stems were as straight as a arrow, without thorns. The petals was the most pure red (like blood). I bent down to touch one of the blooms and it was as soft as the finest silk. I wanted to pick it and take it home with me, but it was so beautiful I didn’t want to hurt it. I looked around and all I could see was beauty. Everything was placed just perfectly.

That’s when I noticed I was just at the beginning. I saw a stone path that was going into the garden farther. I followed the path trying to absorb the beauty around me but it was to much to handle. How could someone make something so perfect? I saw a stone bench under a tree from afar. I walked over and sat down. I started contemplating other gardens I have seen in my life. People try all kinds of things to make a pretty garden, so people would say it’s so pretty. They will put in fountains, statues, bird baths, ponds, water falls, stone walls, trees and shrubs, the list could go on. They watch all kinds of gardening shows on HGTV, buy books to get ideas. We spend tons of money, but it’s still not perfect. But, This garden looked as if it had been here forever. There was not one out of place plant. The grass was the darkest green you could imagine.

The stone raised beds looked like they were formed on the spot. Thats when it dawned on me, the tree was the focal point.It was also the center of the garden. Everything in the garden was there to accent the tree. It had the most ripest fruit ever. I reached up and took one off and bit in. It was the sweetest taste I have ever had. It was like a power drink. I felt so energized afterwards. Yum-Yum. I felt 10 years younger. For a garden of this size, it must take hundreds of people to keep it up. There was not ONE WEED in the garden. Words truly can’t describe this garden. Only the hand of God could make something so perfect, then it hit me, I was in heaven’s garden.

This just part of something I'm working on from Matthew 13. Just thought I would share with you.
God Bless


1 comment:

Pastor Shane Ogle said...

Yo! Bond Servant! It seems we are flowing in the same anointing today (kinda' scary)...

...good stuff!

Pastor Shane