Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Quick Sand

A couple weeks ago my wife went out of town for several days. Me a Bit went and got a couple movies at Wollyworld. One of them was The Replacements. Some of the things in the movie could have been left out if it was up to me. In the movie Jimmy McGinty (Gene Hackman) asked the players what was there biggest fear? Shane Falco (Keanu Reeves) said quick sand. He went on to explain. "You think everything is going fine, then one thing goes wrong, then another, and another, and you try to fight back, but the harder you fight the deeper you sink, To you can't move, you can't breathe, because your in over your head, like quick sand."Life without Christ is like quick sand. As you venture through life things just keep piling up, no were to turn, deeper and deeper, like quick sand.

On day Bob woke up not feeling good, so he called in sick.The next week when he got paid he did not receive pay for the day he missed due to the fact he had no sick time. He had several bills to pay including rent. He didn't have enough money to pay the electric bill so on Sunday they turned off the lights. On Monday Bob didn't have his alarm clock so he woke up late.He rushed out. He was speeding to work when a Cop pulled him over. After the officer gave him a BIG ticket, he was on his way again. Now he was really late. To make up time he started speeding again, BAM. Bob ran unto two cars at a red light. Finally he got to work 3 hours late in a taxi, because his car was totaled out. The company said that was his last straw and fired him, quick sand.

Sometimes life can be like this. You think everything and everybody is against you. No matter what you do it just keeps getting worst. This makes me think of the old children's song The wise man built his house upon the ROCK(Christ). Matthew chapter 7 if you want to read. A lot of people are the foolish man in this parable. Like me, I built my life on the sand(the world). I just kept sinking and sinking and sinking. I was sinking into the world but luckily before I was completely covered I felt something solid. It felt like concrete. I found what I longed for a solid foundation. I found Christ. This is my way to turn quick sand into concrete. You take all your problems and failures and give them to Christ as your Rock and savior. If you stand on the word of God, the world want destroy you. Trust me this will make the devil really ticked off and he will attack with all his might. But God will protect, the Rock will stand.You will have struggles but God will deliver you from it.


1,000's of problems
1- evil world
add living water = A strong foundation

God is that foundation. You can't buy this at Home depot or Lowes, it doesn't even cost you anything, it free. The price was paid for on the cross. It's up to you to decide if you want quick sand or the Rock.


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