Thursday, July 26, 2007

Success in Life

Success in Life

When every person starts there life, it is as a baby. Straight from the mother’s womb. With there first breathe they start learning. They learn how to drink, eat, communicate(cry for something), laugh and so on. As they get a little older they learn to talk an read. When they get to about 5 years old they start school, what a milestone. For the next 12 - 20 years or so they go to school. They learn all they need to know to be Doctors, Lawyer, Nurse, School teachers, Pastors and so on, the list could go on for days. The world tells us the more we know the better off. A simple diploma that takes 12 years to get just ain’t good enough anymore, it doesn’t cut it. They over look you just poured out 12 years of your life 8 hours a day to get it. Most employers want college experience. I do understand it for a lot of jobs you need special training. But the more you know want give you success in life.

Sometimes your looks may be the answer. Like a model, they have flawless skin tones( most have something on to help), a nice figure( with a strict diet and exercise plan), or the hair that turn everyone around for that second look(once again you can change hat also) but that's not what I care about. This is there lifestyle. They have been blessed by God with a beautiful appearance. But looks can kill, but once again the way you look want give you success in life.

I think the most important is who you know. Thank of it this way, if your dad is the owner, you got a good chance of one day taking over the family business no matter what you look like or how much you know. Lets look at it this way, if you have friends or family that work for a company and they put in a good word, you got a better chance. This is got to be to most important, because if you know someone you can have success in life. You could have been the biggest drunk, whore, murderer, homosexual or whatever. If you you know that someone you can have that life. You can have it and I know the connection to get you there. Jesus is that person. That is the only way to have success is through Jesus. So after all it is who you know.

You can be the riches person in the world, or the best lawyer, or the sexiest actor on the big screen. That doesn’t matter. It’s all about who you know. You have the old saying that you can’t take it with you when you die, that wrong everything you do and have you will take it, in front of Jesus on judgment day. Let me tell you something. Jesus is the King of ALL Kings. There is no other story that is bigger, greater, more powerful, or better then the one of Jesus Christ. If you know him you will succeed in life, Eternal life. You will have the riches, no job on earth will give that except, a disciple and devoted servant to the King Jesus Christ and his Kingdom. Romans 6:23b says “ the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Think about it? It’s a gift from God , you don’t have to go to school, or look good, it’s all about who you know.



A Bond Servant said...

Your just another weed in the field

Anonymous said...

I am for sure a far out Space Cadet.